Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Parlor Tricks

Jake has a new trick. He can hold his bottle on his own!

Yeah, I know you're not supposed to let your 5 month old hold their own bottle. There's the risk of choking and then tooth decay (if he had teeth). But this was just so cute not to snap a quick picture before holding the bottle for him.

Jake's other new trick is taking his binky out and putting it back in. I have yet to get this feat on film. Jake grabs his binky, takes it out of his mouth and then tries, usually in vein, to put it back in. Every once in awhile he hits his target. The rest of the times he puts it in backwards, throws or drops it, or aims for his eye. It's hilarious to watch.

It's so much fun to watch him grow and learn. Just the other day he rolled over from his back to his stomach. He's discovered his legs and feet the other day. He kicks them like crazy now and grabs them when he's playing. When he's on his back they are straight up in the air. when he's sitting, they're going nonstop. He lifts his entire butt and back up off the crib and "scooches" all over the place. He amazes us everyday.

Jake had open heart surgery yesterday. It's hard to see him all doped up on pain meds and paralytics. They'll slowly start to wake him up, but it will be quite awhile until he's totally active again. I can't wait to see those tiny legs going again soon. Hopefully it won't take him too long to pick up right where he left off.


Jana said...

I love the photo of Jake with the bottle, he looks so blissed out and happy. I hope he has a speedy recovery & is rolling over again soon. You know crawling comes after that I think- look out! He'll be all over the place! :)

Anonymous said...

aaww...what a cute photo of jake!!
thank u sooooo much for the card and lil photo...i JUST found it in my mailbox this morning...( i don't check my mailbox often as you can c...)
im now on days and loving it!! ...
i wish jake a speedy recovery and hope they're treatin you all well over in Boston!! ...
thank you again ...

Michelle, RN