Monday, December 22, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I have never appreciated the true sentiment of "home sweet home" more then returning home after spending weeks and sometimes months in the hospital with Jake. We have been through so much with him and to return home, physically and mentally exhausted, gave deeper meaning to the phrase.

Now, "home sweet home" has taken on yet another new profound meaning because we have just closed on our first house today! We bought a modest yet cute 1940 ranch home in the 'burbs. It's in a quiet neighborhood, has a good yard, a garage for Greg to work on our cars in, a washer and dryer (no more laundromat!) and Jake will have his very own room! It's structurally sound but needs some updating, and we intend to return it to it's mid-century modern splendor with some hard work and time. You can read all about our retro renovation at 31 Sherman.

We want to give Jake the world, and though a house is not the world, it's definitely an upgrade from the one bedroom apartment we all share now. I can't wait to paint and decorate his room, to see him run around the yard, for family holidays together in our home and for all of the memories we'll make there together.

Home, sweet home, indeed.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Congrats! Home ownership is the best! Just in time for the holidays too! That's great news!